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Viral RNA Extraction
ZX-22119-500/1000 | Ultra High Fidelity DNA Polymerase Master Mix

ZellX® Ultra High Fidelity DNA Polymerase Master Mix is an optimized ready-to-use master mix that contains all PCR reaction reagents including dNTPs, PCR buffer, MgCl2 and Ultra High Fidelity DNA polymerase (except primers and DNA template) needed for running PCR reactions. ZELLX® Ultra High Fidelity DNA Polymerase is a second generation and the best High-fidelity DNA Polymerase in the market that exhibits magnificent performance for all PCR applications. It amplifies long templates with a robust accuracy and speed. The Fidelity of ZELLX® Ultra High Fidelity DNA Polymerase is more than 50-fold higher comparing to the normal Taq DNA Polymerase.
It possesses the 5’→ 3´ DNA polymerase activity, combined with a robust 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activity to generate long PCR products with blunt ends for further cloning application. It is also suitable for amplification of long amplicons such as 10-20 kb of genomic DNA. With an amazing fidelity rate it is a great option to be used in cloning/subcloning DNA for protein expression, SNP analysis and next generation sequencing applications.
The ZellX® Ultra High Fidelity DNA Polymerase Master Mix formulation saves time and eliminates or decreases the risk of error and contamination due to a reduced number of pipetting steps.It possesses the 5’→ 3´ DNA polymerase activity, combined with a robust 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activity to generate long PCR products with blunt ends for further cloning application. It is also suitable for amplification of long amplicons such as 10-20 kb of genomic DNA. With an amazing fidelity rate it is a great option to be used in cloning/subcloning DNA for protein expression, SNP analysis and next generation sequencing applications.
The ZellX® Ultra High Fidelity DNA Polymerase Master Mix formulation saves time and eliminates or decreases the risk of error and contamination due to a reduced number of pipetting steps.

Viral RNA Extraction

Extreme High Fidelity (50x higher fidelity than Taq DNA Polymerase), Robust for long DNA PCR amplification, Very Fast (extension times are 15-30 seconds/kb) High Yield, Accurate and Versatile for long or difficult templates and routine PCR
PCR-Cloning | Primers extension | Long or difficult amplification | High-Throughput PCR | Routine PCR
Quantity: 500, 1000 rxns
Stability: 2 years at -20°C

Cat No. ZX-22119-500
Size 500 RXNs
1000 RXNs
Price 182.00 €
318.00 €
Ordering: You can also order using info[at] or FAX at +49(0)30 81309086

Technical Support: Customer satisfaction is very important to us. Please call us at +49(0)30 81309085 or send an email to technical[at] with your technical questions. A member of our scientific staff will be glad to assist you.